Canoës Service - Canoe rental in Vallon Pont d'Arc

From the mini-descent to the descent on four days with overnight in bivouac, Canoës Service offers 7 formulas for an unforgettable descent of the Gorges de l'Ardèche by canoe, kayak or kraft.
107 passage François Lecler
07150 Vallon Pont d'Arc

Phone : +33 (0)4 75 88 07 34



GPS Coordinates
Latitude : 44° 23' 54.30732''
Longitude : 4° 23' 22.68348''

Special offers

20% discount on your canoe-kayak descent in the Gorges de l'Ardèche: Upon presentation of your entry ticket to the Aluna Festival from June 1st to July 06th, 2025. Book your descent online; the discount is applied to the balance of your stay, paid on site on the day of your descent. To consult the festival website:

Services available

  Bank card
  Holiday vouchers

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